Interfaces in Java tips.

Main uses:

Provides complete abstraction defines only what class needs to be done, but not how it will do.

polymorphism : runtime it can be decided which implements class object can be called.

multiple inheritance.


Interface can only be public and default , not private or protected.

Can extend only other interfaces.

Cannot create object of interface.


By default all methods in are public. (from Java 8 we can have private methods also).

We cannot declare methods as final, because as final methods cannot be overriden , but class extending interface must override methods for implementation so final methods are not possible.

Methods which are overriden by interface must be public.

Concrete class implementing interface must override all interface methods.

But abstract class implementing interface need not override all interface methods.

But child class of abstract class needs to take care of implementing all abstract methods.


By default all variables are CONSTANTS (static final).

Abstract ClassInterface
keyword abstractkeyword interface.
child class extends abstractchild class implements
abstract and nonabstract methodsOnly abstract methods
extends class and interfaceonly extends interfaces
Variables can be final, static , etc anyVariables are CONSTANTS.
methods can be anyMethods by default are public (from Java 8 and higher can have private methods).
no multiple inheritancemultiple inheritance can be achieved
ConstructorNo constructor